Because I can get dressed, all right: in shirts about two inches too short and three sizes too small. I own one belt, and five pairs of pants, three of which give me some serious muffin top. In other words, cringe. I pulled a t-shirt out of my closet yesterday that literally said 'Baby Tee' on the tag. I kid you not. As I approach the ripe old age of 23, I feel that my clothes at the moment don't really fit the adult that I'm hopefully on the road to becoming. So, I'm going to do a total overhaul of my closet. Anything baring my navel has just got to go.
My main goal is to rebuild my look with more age-appropriate basics that still have some kick to them: button-ups, oversized sweaters and t-shirts, along with jeans, leggings, and boots. I like to think of myself as a bad-ass (let me have my dream), so probably something like this:
Drew Barrymore
and that:
Kate Moss
lmfao! finally!